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SWISSCAVE & Sustainability – Longevity for a Better Environment
Sustainability means responsibility – for our customers, for the quality of our products, and for the environment. SWISSCAVE focuses on longevity instead of a throwaway mentality, because every durable product reduces global resource consumption and the ecological footprint.
Becoming a wine connoisseur - how to learn to really enjoy wine
More and more people are discovering the diverse world of wine. But how should you enjoy wine? What makes the crucial difference between a beginner and a wine connoisseur? Are there any rules that a real expert should follow? Or is it all just a matter of personal taste?
Wine sommelier - what does he do and why do we need them?
The term sommelier comes from the French-speaking area and means "wine waiter". In restaurants, the sommelier's job is to buy the wines, to store the stocks properly and to train the staff and trainees in the field of oenology.